I’ve worked at Business Builders for 5 years. In fact, I just celebrated my 5-year anniversary. That’s hard to believe. It’s crazy that it’s been 5 years since I wrote this blog post on the three words that I thought described the Business Builders culture at that time.As you can imagine, our team — and consequently, our culture — has morphed and evolved quite a bit. So you know what this means, right?
It’s time for an updated blog!
Here are three words that I believe accurately describe the current culture at Business Builders.
The word “agile” may be one of the most overused buzzwords in the web dev and marketing industries… probably because it sounds so dang cool. I’ll admit, I really enjoy using it. And I try to use it as much as possible. But I digress. I really did choose this word for a reason. I think this word very accurately describes a lot about Business Builders.
Agile methods are not just how the development department runs projects and the marketing department manages campaigns, but it’s how DE operates at its very core. We’re constantly iterating and improving different pieces of the company because we want to get better and do better.
Jay Owen, the Business Builders CEO and founder, operates the company using the open-book management concept. This means our entire team (even interns) sees the company’s sales, revenue, MRR, and debt… and I think I speak for everyone when I say it’s very motivating.
John Case of Inc. Magazine had this to say about open-book management:
Everyone on the DE team knows the revenue goals and profitability of each department. Because of this, we’re all challenged to move the numbers in a direction that improves the company overall. This way, we can all enjoy growth and success together while following the mission of helping our clients.
It doesn’t get much more transparent than that.
This is one I’ve noticed gradually over time, which makes sense.The leadership of this company is really dedicated to our clients and our employees… sometimes, truly, to a fault. And it’s exactly why we’ve never stopped growing and scaling as a small business. I’ve seen Jay and others lose money (sometimes a lot of money) to maintain a relationship or please a customer.
That’s because we stand by who we are as a company, striving to always do the right thing — even when the right thing isn’t in our best interest as a company.
I’ve really grown fond of Jay and this team because of this dedication to living out our core values. I believe that when I’m faced with difficult decisions at work or in my personal life, I’ll reflect on how DE always was dedicated to doing what’s right and noble. It’s a good reminder for me, and anyone else really.
Doing Work That Matters
At Business Builders, our mission is simple: to help others grow their businesses. We’ve been doing it since 1999, and we’ll keep doing it for years to come. Many digital agencies are focused on results.We know that business growth can change lives, and that’s just one of the things that help us remain committed to what we do every day because we know we’re doing work that matters.