Your website and online presence is the equivalent of your bricks and mortar business in the virtual real estate world. On the high-street, businesses depend on footfall and word of mouth; it’s similar online, where inbound marketing brings your consistent website leads and revenues.
Well-planned marketing strategies, simple tools and manageable marketing ideas and budgets are vital for business owners looking to grow revenues, for marketing agency owners to build clientele, for the self-employed marketing consultant seeking predictable income and marketing managers in the private sector, NGOs and public sectors alike looking to stand out from the online noise of competitors.
Managing your company’s sustained visibility and reputation for reliability, professionalism and expertise online is key to your longevity. Nevertheless, despite the importance of how the world sees you in the virtual world, many companies and organisations are unsure how to maintain a consistent brand voice and positive reputation in the face of criticism and challenges online. Not being able to handle the voices of detractors to your message can ruin months and even years of hard work building your reputation online. Your marketing ideas have to allow for dealing with negative feedback if you want to avoid lost revenues.
Managing all of your inbound marketing strategies can seem over-whelming, so we wanted to share three of our favourite reputation building methods for maintaining customer loyalty, increasing website leads, keeping down marketing costs and minimising stress of managing all your marketing strategies.
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